April's 2024 DAILY "TFG Culinary & Cultural Calendar" ...
Click onto the Calendar Pic Collage Below to Start Getting the Scoop on a Wide Range of Food, Drink, Cultural, Historical, etc. Topics (Almost;) Every Day…
MAYbe All These April Showers Will Bring Some (Edible) May 🌼Flowers🌸!
This April 2024 calendar collage gives you just a glimpse of some of the food, drink, cultural & historical “holidays” happening this month that I either have something (or a LOT) to say about and/or find interesting — and think you will too! …
The above April 2024 calendar collage gives you just a glimpse of some of the food, drink, cultural, historical and personal “holidays” happening this month that matter to me for a host of sometimes random reasons — or that I find interesting and suspect you will too.
Especially if I happen to have taken good pics relevant to the topic or in some cases have a boatload of food or beverage beauty shots I snapped and saved over the years and wanna show 'em off (i mean SHARE them ;) with you for the visual side of the storytelling…
On a more serious note, I check a lot of sources to compile this TFG calendar and am more often than not startled by the blatant “lies of omission” so many mainstream ‘daily holiday’ calendar platforms perpetuate. Outright exclusions of entire cultures, ethnicities, innacurate historical facts! ... serving up only slivers of the story. Which is a big part of my motivation for doing this one to offset at least some of that. All the while being informative, ‘edutaining’ and not too overly intense. I’ll save the more in depth intense-ish stuff for my peeps on the Patreon platform — which, SPOILER ALERT, I do invite or ENCOURAGE folks (yes, YOU) to join as a simple way to support or show some love and appreciation from time to time for this otherwise too oft under-compensated work i do.
FYI I update the calendar often (l.e. add new days and topics, extra images and videos) — even after the month’s already begun (shameless!) so be sure to check back periodically…
[ < once you get to the interactive calendar page USE THE < BACK ARROW < AT THE TOP of the calendar page TO SEE PREVIOUS MONTHS <]