According to the various and sundry sources I refer to to put together this ‘daily’ food/drink/culture calendar, May 25th is:
• Carb Day (Yay!) 🍝🥯🍞🥖🥨🥐🫓🥪🥔🍠🍚 …
• National Brown-Bag-It Day (which those of us with food issues/ allergies have to do a little extra planning for):
• And it’s “National Italian Beef Day” — yup, this is the famous sandwich that inspired HULU’s hit series show , “The Bear”. The Italian Beef sandwich is said to be as synonymous with Chicago as is deep dish pizza and lots and lots of chilly Chicago wind. I find it challenging at best to watch this show on an empty stomach, worse yet i start craving whatever it is they’re making in any given scene. Click the photo below to go to how to make your own Italian Beef (a la The Bear of course ) this long weekend before you binge any more episodes:
[ a link in the photo above or this link here takes you to an 8 min video demo to make your own Italian Beef a la “The Bear”, courtesy of the LA Times & the show’s culinary producer, chef Courtney Storer…]
[Check out May 28th’s TFG topics for more beefy content]
• …it’s also World Wine Day! Wine’s been a part of human civilization for at least 8,000 years (likely MUCH longer) so for my Patreon peeps i’ll be serving up some inclusive intel on the history of wine to virtually sip on and savor… in the meantime Happy World Wine 🍷 Day to ALL (with absolutely no shade to Chi-town which i gave some sincere shine to above, but….) in and from: 🎶 The GREATEST City NYC (and Borough of Brooklyn!) in The World!! 🌍 🎶:
[above is a pic i took of the Brooklyn Bridge through my red wine looking-glass. It’s from inside an “exclusive location” in DUMBO Brooklyn where I later learned you’re “not supposed to” take pics. Nonetheless I (accidentally and oh so innocently ;) snapped (ok, snuck!) this one — hence all the secrecy — BUT as you can clearly see this ‘illicit pic’ tells the perfect story for today’s drink holiday! ` [original 📷 T Hop @thefoodgriot]